Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chicken Little was NOT a Prophet...

Social media has become the new norm in most of our lives today. It is not uncommon for me to wake up, start the busyness of my day, only to take a pause to see what’s going on in the Facebook or Twitter world. I usually like to shoot a message out to my friends online that may inspire a smile, muster a laugh or maybe even provoke a thought. Sometimes it’s nothing quite as deep as that, just me being me and using an open forum to do so.

Recently, I’ve been plagued with the onslaught of intense dialogue that occurs on my Facebook wall that sound a lot less like discussions and more like irrational judgments about the people in this country who do not represent “mainstream America” ,as well as religious demonstrations that are going on right now across the country. What bothers me is not that these things are happening. Anyone who has read their Bible clearly knows that things like this occur as a sign of the times.  What bothers me are the overzealous reactions by those who claim to lead in the local church and who say that they represent Christ. What bothers me is the lack of understanding of how one word or phrase can incite hatred and division further instead of bridging the gaps in society that so desperately need bridging. If we are to be conduits of love, then what is so loving about reading a news article about a certain group of people and then posting that these are the very same people that are going to destroy America? My question to you heralding prophets is: On who’s watch? If America is going to be brought down by extremists, what are you doing to prevent it and does it include posting END OF TIMES DOOM AND GLOOM MESSAGES ON FACEBOOK IN ALL CAPS?!

I try to live by two specific directives in my daily walk. The first one is: 1 John 4:7&8 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been fathered by God and knows God. 4:8 The person who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
The second involves intense dedication. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land.

I feel strongly that when we are doing what we have been asked to do by God Himself, we don’t have time to yell and point and shout at others. Living by these directives takes daily self-evaluation that at the end of the day should leave us more humble than we began.

If there is any sin in me, any unjust thinking, any judgment in me…Lord please reveal it, so that I may lay before you and be renewed. When I get up Lord, allow me to show the same mercy to others that you have shown to me.

I honestly don’t care to live any other way.

However, if you are one of those people who are convinced that BOLD CAPS WORK BETTER to alert the masses of the despair of our world let me just leave you with this:
CHICKEN LITTLE WAS NOT A PROPHET! She was a scared, confused, misinformed creature who led many of her friends astray. Get the picture?


  1. Haha. The ALL CAPS people of the world are probably the quietest in the coffeehouses, hiding behind their computer screens. Love your love message.

    1. So true Nick! If we take away their CAPS I wonder how they would communicate their frustration?

  2. Bonita, this behavior frustrates me, too. Some of the most interesting people I've ever met are people with whom I did not agree. I don't know how we ended up in this place where lines are drawn, and people are willing to torch relationships over those lines.

    1. I don't know either Andra. I'm just trying desperately not to be so dogmatic about my beliefs that I can't hear others. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible says "Come let us reason together..."

  3. Good word Bonita. I've been thinking how easy it is to point a finger into the cyber world, it dehumanizes very personal issues. But I need to take responsibility to love my neighbor. There is a problem with the world, and it is me.

    1. Good stuff Brooke. I believe that if your generation keeps looking at my generation...you will definitely know what not to do.

  4. Powerful post, and one that I can definitely identify and agree with. I think we talked a little bit about this at the retreat -- I don't mind reading/listening/discussing differences of opinion, but the hatred and gloom and doom speak bothers me as well. To love one another and to be humble and listen to God's plan creates hope in the world.

    1. I enjoyed our talk Tammy. I love it when people who have never met can sit and discuss life and bring light to one another. We'll have to consider it a movement in order for it to become popular.

  5. Powerful and well put. Christ did not call Christians to be crusaders for the cause of the church, but simply said, "Take up your cross and follow me," along with, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Can you imagine what Christianity would look like if we actually followed Christ's examples and instructions?

    1. It would look like you Chica! I'm so proud of the woman that you are becoming and I can't wait to witness your unveiling to this world. You my dear...are going to do GREAT THINGS...in the name of love. <3

  6. Beautifully put, Bonita. I've known you for a long time and you have always been a wonderful spirit. Keep sending forth your message of love and your whisper will one day be a shout, or all caps but in a good way. :-)

    1. Big Hugs Don!... It's a moving thing to hear your words Dear one. You have known me since I was a scrawny 8 year old girl and I'm so glad that you are on this journey with me now. With people like you in the world...love is worth striving for.
      You light up the West Coast and I'll light up the East Coast.
